Monday, February 16, 2015

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AyoDance Game

Welcome to AyoDance Town, an area where dance ended up being the pillar of life for its homeowners. The songs are constantly played in every place. And every person is moving in accordance with the beat tracks listened to.

Why dance became so preferred in AyoDance Community?

Previously, AyoDance Community is not a popular place. Land barren and desolate, as has no natural deposits to be developed. Up until eventually, there came a mineral scientist called Yodan Cea discovered a brand-new mineral resources on the land. Minerals were later referred to as "DEN".

Yodan Cea obtain exclusive civil liberties to this DEN blood circulation. Then he likewise created a barren land it into a brand-new city. The community is called AyoDance Community. DEN itself right into the regional currency of AyoDance Community. But Yodan Cea DEN limit circulation in this area. DEN populace can only be obtained if they have the ability to reveal their skills in dancing. This is due to the fact that Yodan Cea very fond of dance.

Quickly, AyoDance Community swiftly turned into an attractive city with a populace that is consistently attempting to look distinct. Broadcasting Terminal was experienceded in the city center to facilitate residents in performing dance fight.

Come and appreciate your time in AyoDance Community ~ dance for life ~ AyoDance!!

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